Ms. Borth - Youth Support Services Provider
You know your child best. If you notice your child struggling, support services can be greatly beneficial or even crucial for his/her growth and success.
My formal education background includes:
The approach I have developed encourages the collaboration between teachers, counselors, psychiatrists, therapists, movement instructors, and parents in order to provide youth with appropriate support in their pursuit of success (which is different for each youth).
I offer a wide range of services including:
*** also note:
* I am highly trained in the performance of academic & educational assessments and reporting if the need arises within Special Education evaluation teams, or for private use in academic planning for students.
* I am trained in providing in home instruction for homebound students or supplementing home schooling.
My formal education background includes:
- Spanish Langauge Studies
- Teaching second language learning
- Emotional behavioral disorders
- Learning Disabilities
- Special Education services, assessment, and case management
- Specialized Education
- Emotional behavioral disorders
- Learning disabilities
- Cross-Categorical
The approach I have developed encourages the collaboration between teachers, counselors, psychiatrists, therapists, movement instructors, and parents in order to provide youth with appropriate support in their pursuit of success (which is different for each youth).
I offer a wide range of services including:
- Academic support / tutoring (Reading, Written Expression, Math, Science, Work completion, Social Studies, Spanish).
- Academic & Educational achievement assessments and reporting
- Self- Regulation instruction
- Executive Functioning skills, Organization, Task Management, Efficiency instruction
- Memory skills instruction
- Self- Advocacy instruction
- Individualized Skills instruction
- Emotional Regulation instruction and support
- Stress & Anxiety management instruction and support
- Decision making skills
- Social Skills instruction
- Spanish Language instruction
- English Language Learning / English as a Second Language instruction and support
*** also note:
* I am highly trained in the performance of academic & educational assessments and reporting if the need arises within Special Education evaluation teams, or for private use in academic planning for students.
* I am trained in providing in home instruction for homebound students or supplementing home schooling.